Monday, April 2, 2012

Birth Story Part 2

Travis getting ready for the O.R
Ready to go.
Smiling but not sure what to think.
So it is around 9am. I am still trying to go to sleep. Travis and my Mom are talking softly watching videos on you tube. I had just had enough of hearing them when I heard my Mom say Travis she is going to get you. I was getting up every ten minutes to go to the restroom b/c let me remind you I had magnesium running as fast as it could into my veins. Again not really having labor pains that I could not apply pressure to and make them feel better except in my back. My back was really starting to bother me. Travis starting watching the monitor more closely. He would not tell me what the contractions were reading but he would tell me when they were coming back down. Again nothing that was major that did not feel like anything more than a period cramp but apparently they were something major. Dr. Torres comes in to check me around 9:05. Well we all got a little surprise. He says you are at a 3 well no more like a 3 1/2. Next words are I am pulling the plug we are going. Woo holy cow what no way!!! Dr. T tells Travis he has 20 minutes to get in the bunny suit for the operating room. My Mom was in the restroom so when she comes out I am still in shock and white as a sheep. She said I told her Mom they are taking them now. I call one of my closest friends Carrie to tell her we are going into surgery. My room all of a sudden has several nurses, a CRNA, and I am signing papers. I got to signed two sets of papers one for Cason and one for Nora. So we are ready to go but the NICU team and O.R team was not ready just yet. Dr. T comes back in to make sure Trav and I are ready and tells us he is still waiting on the rest of the team. He said I will see you in then O.R room b/c I am going to crack the whip to get things going now. So off to the O.R we go.

My CRNA came in and ask me if I had any thing that may cause issues with the spinal tap. Poor guy he did not realize he was dealing with a woman who has scoliosis. He looked at my spine and said we it could be an issue but will probably be okay. The spinal tap was a walk in the park. My feet starting going numb first then the numbness worked its way up. They test to make sure I am numb by pinching my belly with tongs. More nurses continue to come in. A good friend from grade school was in the OR for the babies so I felt good knowing she was there to care of my preemies. There were probably around 15 people in the OR. Each baby had there own team of nurses and I had mine own. Okay so everything is in place for me and the babies. Dr. T tells me I am going to feel a lot of pressure, pulling and tugging. I did not feel anything when he was getting Cason out. Cason was born at 9:44 weighing 4lbs 12 oz and 17 1/2 inches long. Dr T said Casey he bit me. I said well pull him out like a catfish doc. Everyone was rolling at that point. Cason comes out crying loud and strong. My heart was full of love for that precious little baby boy right away. It is Nora's turn to come into the world. Well just let me tell you she had zero interest in coming into the world. She was face down, high and laying across me. Dr. T was rocking, pulling, tugging the wole bit to try to get her. He said Casey I am sorry but she keeps kicking and getting away. She was a finally born at 9:47am weighing 3lbs 13 oz and 16 1/2 inches long. I couldn't see her b/c her team of nurses were further away from me than Cason. I could not hear her crying. I asked Trav several times if she was crying and he said yes can you not hear her. I never heard her cry. I guess Cason was so loud he was overpowering her. So babies are born I am okay feeling fine. I got to see Cason and Nora for one second and it was off to the NICU for my babies. We knew they would have to go, but the reality of not holding your babies after birth hit hard at that point. Thank you Lord for pain meds keeping me loopy.
Travis and Laura ( my friend from grade school and NICU nurse) head off to the NICU with Cason and Nora. Laura told Trav at one point speed it up Dad. They were 6 1/2 weeks early and needed a little bit of help breathing right away. Babies are in the nursery with Travis. Dr. Torres and my nurses are working on getting me all stapled up and off to recovery we go. I could not tell you how long I was in recovery not long in my mind but I had morphine that I did not even know I had until the next day. The is a story within itself. Trav came back to recovery with me shortly after he took the babies to the NICU but he went back to the babies. My Mom and Amy came back to recovery and sit with me. It was not long and I was in my room.

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