Friday, July 6, 2012

Just a little something that caught my attention.

First Thing Every Morning

The twins have obviously changed our life for the better. I am rather ashamed to say we are still trying to figure out what works best as far as for the adults. Since I have been back to work it has been a roller coaster of emotions. I enjoy my job, but I miss my babies so much. I thought it would get easier as the weeks went on and we got our routine down. The babies are perfect with their routine. I am horrible at mine. When I am rushed I get cranky, when I have to leave my babies I am cranky, when the lady in front of me on I-540 is driving 65mph and not 75mph I get cranky. I just want to get home to my babies.

So I started working on getting more organized so my morning would be easier and I would get to see the babies more and more. I started on my closet, well a week later I am still not finished. I am committing to getting it all organized this weekend. My precious friend, Meagan Matlock at All Things Soleful is going to create my outfits for me. Sounds silly to hire someone to do this for me, but being a career woman and a Mommy is tough. Is it for me? YES!!!. I just need a little help getting my day flowing better. If you are my friend on facebook you know when I was on bed rest my Mom along with family and friends got Jordyn's room, the nursery, kids bathroom, kitchen,  and living room all decluttered. They did not make it to the laundry room, my bathroom, bedroom or my closet, because Cason James decided he was going to make an entry into the world way too early.

You ask why did I post the video. I received this via email today and thought to myself, I am creating my own monster. I need to find the problem and get rid of it. Problem I feel rushed and unorganized which creates my bad attitude and can run over into my day. How do I fix it? First, get a schedule for myself, Second, have Meagan get my closet organized and outfits created. I will report back to you soon on how this is working. for me.

Have a good one,


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Back to work I go after 7 months of being off....

June 1st was a very sad but exciting day for me. First, I was so upset to leave my babies. However I was and am so lucky that my Mom is retired that she kept the babies my first day back. It was a very fast day first day back to work. I had to be in Northwest Arkansas to have a meeting with my boss at 9:30. Some will say 9:30 is not that earlier. No it is not but when Cason and Nora wake up at 5am eat go back to sleep so Mommy goes back to sleep to until 9 then it is early.

Since going back we have gotten our routine down. I miss them horribly but I know they are with people who love them My Mom keeps them Wednesday-Friday and my mother in law has them Monday and Tuesday. My Mom calls me after every feeding and lets me hear the babies talk, which helps me make it through day.  My dear neighbor Vicki helps my mother in law with the babies on Monday and Tuesday. She sends me morning and afternoon videos of the babies. I am not sure what I would do without Vicky. She is my lifesaver. The babies love her to pieces. Vicky helps with every part of the babies lives from feedings to bedtime.

I have made it through two full work weeks now with only crying on the way to work. I just miss them so so much.This past Monday Nora started staying awake after her morning bottle so she comes in my bathroom with me to get ready. Cason started staying awake on Friday so now he joins us. I love getting to see and spend time with them before I go to work.

I know I would not have been able to go back to work if the babies had to go to daycare. There is something about after you have to have your babies stay in the NICU you feel you have to know the person keeping them like family. Preemies are just different than full term babies.

So our routine is this...

530-6:00-Babies up take morning bottle
6-7:00 I hold both babies for a little while
7-8 They go back to sleep, sometimes.
8:00 Mema comes to keep them Monday and Tuesday
        We leave for Mom Mom's house on Wed, Thurs and Friday
5:30 I pick them up or come home to them.
530-9:00 We play, eat, have floor time, go outside. Just whatever works.

They still take a bottle every THREE hours during the day but sleep through the night from 9:30 until 5:30ish. Yes they sleep through the night and have since they were about 8 weeks old.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sydney decided to play....

Waiting for the next batter
Sydney Lynn decided she wanted to play softball. We were all thrilled b/c she has been the shy one since she was little bitty. So we found a team right away. My  Mom started taking her to the batting cages which she shocked us all. THE GIRL COULD HIT!!! She then started having practices. Little did we know we THE GIRL CAN CATCH AND THROW!!!

She plays short stop every game and is a great hitter. The team is a very young team so they have had their tail handed to them a few nights but other nights they have handed it back to others. She is very serious about playing ball. She plays tonight and Jordyn is going to watch her play. Sydney has watched Jordyn play since the day she was born. You never know what the little ones watching are soaking up, well apparently Sydney soaked up a few softball skills from Jordyn.
Ready for a big hit

I sometimes say I can not wait to watch Cason and Nora play ball then I am thinking NO WAY I want them to be little forever. Jordyn started playing ball at the age of 5. I will never forget those tiny tiny little legs running as fast as they could to first base. I called her little Mighty Mouse b/c she was short but fast like Mighty Mouse. Jordyn took this year off from playing softball which is bittersweet. I have no clue how she would have fit one more thing in her schedule. She is playing basketball, volleyball, track, and cheerleading this year. Heavens I think we just need to sale the house and live in our cars.

Have a great weekend. We are hitting the pool today with my sweet friend Amanda and her precious boys.
One down Two to go she says.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Saying Bye to Dr.Torres

Dr. Torres, Nora & Cason April 19th.
Nora and Cason April 19th- 7 weeks and 5 days old
April 19th was a sad day for the Collyar family. It was our last visit to Dr. Torres. He is the best doctor a pregnant woman could ever have in life. We will miss him greatly. Thank you Dr. Torres for all you have done for us over the last seven years. We got to say "Good Bye" again at his retirement luncheon  on the 25th. Cason and Nora were his last set of twins to deliver. Dr. Torres always called me back regardless of what I needed or what silly questions I felt I needed to ask. God love him, the morning my water broke I called him at home and woke him up. He was sweet as pie. Thank goodness he was on call but he promised me if he was not he would deliver the twins regardless.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Jordyn is a AMS........

Well my post are seriously bad behind. I have a lot of catching up to do. As many of you know who know me Jordyn keep us busy non stop with social and sports activities. The latest adventure she is going to take us on will be........ CHEERLEADING!!!! Yes we have a Alma Middle School Cheerleader for 2012-2013 school year.

She was very nervous the day of try outs and rightfully so. The girl has not been a cheerleader since little league football. Try outs were the weekend 3/17 the twins came home. She stayed the night with Mema and Pepa so she could rest without being disturbed, they took her to try outs and Daddy picked her up. They went to Braums with all the other girls and their Moms afterwards. Picture that one Travis hanging out with the Moms at Braums. They finally got home after a hour or so. I met them in the garage waiting to hear the news. Well heavens no news yet. Jordyn was hanging out with me in the living room and she gets a text that the list was posted after only being home 15 minutes. Of course the girl made it, not that I doubted she would not but again she has not tumbled in a long time or cheered in years.

So I guess I can say I am a  CHEER STEP MOM. I do not like the word step, due to I had a STEP MONSTER growing up.

I am on the look out for a tiny Alma cheerleader or just green and gold cheerleader outfit for Nora. She is so tiny I may have to have one made for her. So needless to say as much as I wish we did not have another activity on our schedule I am proud and happy for her.


Nora says Congratulations BIG SISTER

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Twins Nursery for a boy and a girl

 Bedding was made by Carmen at Keep it Gypsy & all painting by Angela Lensing at Cross my Art

I want a nursery that was not too babyish, practical and fun. So here it is. I still need to get there newborn pictures on the wall. These pictures were taken before the twins were born. They actually do sleep in their room but in the same bed most of the time. Do not get me wrong they sleep much better in their Moses basket. I may resort to putting them in their Moses basket and putting it in the bed. You do whatever works.