Friday, May 18, 2012

Sydney decided to play....

Waiting for the next batter
Sydney Lynn decided she wanted to play softball. We were all thrilled b/c she has been the shy one since she was little bitty. So we found a team right away. My  Mom started taking her to the batting cages which she shocked us all. THE GIRL COULD HIT!!! She then started having practices. Little did we know we THE GIRL CAN CATCH AND THROW!!!

She plays short stop every game and is a great hitter. The team is a very young team so they have had their tail handed to them a few nights but other nights they have handed it back to others. She is very serious about playing ball. She plays tonight and Jordyn is going to watch her play. Sydney has watched Jordyn play since the day she was born. You never know what the little ones watching are soaking up, well apparently Sydney soaked up a few softball skills from Jordyn.
Ready for a big hit

I sometimes say I can not wait to watch Cason and Nora play ball then I am thinking NO WAY I want them to be little forever. Jordyn started playing ball at the age of 5. I will never forget those tiny tiny little legs running as fast as they could to first base. I called her little Mighty Mouse b/c she was short but fast like Mighty Mouse. Jordyn took this year off from playing softball which is bittersweet. I have no clue how she would have fit one more thing in her schedule. She is playing basketball, volleyball, track, and cheerleading this year. Heavens I think we just need to sale the house and live in our cars.

Have a great weekend. We are hitting the pool today with my sweet friend Amanda and her precious boys.
One down Two to go she says.

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