Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Back to work I go after 7 months of being off....

June 1st was a very sad but exciting day for me. First, I was so upset to leave my babies. However I was and am so lucky that my Mom is retired that she kept the babies my first day back. It was a very fast day first day back to work. I had to be in Northwest Arkansas to have a meeting with my boss at 9:30. Some will say 9:30 is not that earlier. No it is not but when Cason and Nora wake up at 5am eat go back to sleep so Mommy goes back to sleep to until 9 then it is early.

Since going back we have gotten our routine down. I miss them horribly but I know they are with people who love them My Mom keeps them Wednesday-Friday and my mother in law has them Monday and Tuesday. My Mom calls me after every feeding and lets me hear the babies talk, which helps me make it through day.  My dear neighbor Vicki helps my mother in law with the babies on Monday and Tuesday. She sends me morning and afternoon videos of the babies. I am not sure what I would do without Vicky. She is my lifesaver. The babies love her to pieces. Vicky helps with every part of the babies lives from feedings to bedtime.

I have made it through two full work weeks now with only crying on the way to work. I just miss them so so much.This past Monday Nora started staying awake after her morning bottle so she comes in my bathroom with me to get ready. Cason started staying awake on Friday so now he joins us. I love getting to see and spend time with them before I go to work.

I know I would not have been able to go back to work if the babies had to go to daycare. There is something about after you have to have your babies stay in the NICU you feel you have to know the person keeping them like family. Preemies are just different than full term babies.

So our routine is this...

530-6:00-Babies up take morning bottle
6-7:00 I hold both babies for a little while
7-8 They go back to sleep, sometimes.
8:00 Mema comes to keep them Monday and Tuesday
        We leave for Mom Mom's house on Wed, Thurs and Friday
5:30 I pick them up or come home to them.
530-9:00 We play, eat, have floor time, go outside. Just whatever works.

They still take a bottle every THREE hours during the day but sleep through the night from 9:30 until 5:30ish. Yes they sleep through the night and have since they were about 8 weeks old.