Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Morning of Feb 25th, 2012-Birth Story Part 1

The fun began around 3:15am Saturday Feb 25th. Well let's back up to Friday Feb 24th when the fun really began, however I did not have a clue what was really going to happen. I did not feel so great through out the day, but I was just thinking I was getting so big that how could I feel great. I did notice that my back was hurting, but again nothing major. So I go to bed around 12am Saturday which is late late for this (at the time pregnant) woman. I get up to go to the bathroom around 315am which again is normal. However this time it is not so normal. I get both of my feet on the floor and my water breaks. My first thought was oh heavens surely my water did not break. So I go on to the bathroom and discover oh yes gmy water broke. I calmly go back to the bedroom and I nudge Travis to wake him up. I said "hey Trav do not freak out but mine water just broke. Well he said "No way, what do we do now". I call Dr. Torres at home. He was on call thank goodness. He asked me if I was contracting. I was not or at least I did not think so, little did I know I had been since Friday. I was having back labor and did not know it. He tells me I am far enough along the babies will be okay, but will more than likely go to the NICU. He has a plan to delay labor. The plan was for me to get to the hospital and as long as I was not dilating we would delay delivering for 48 hours, which would give us enough time to have two steroid shots so they babies lung would get a little kick start. I call my Mom and Trav's Mom tell hem what has happened but I tell them no worries and do not come just yet because the babies are not coming for another 48 hours.

So we get all hooked up to the iv, monitors, etc by 5am. Nurse checks me and tells me I am a ONE and 80% effaced. She also asked me if I was feeling that... I said feel what? She said I was having pretty good contractions every 55 seconds. Then she says she can feel Cason's head. Okay so this does not sound like anything is being delayed. Dr. T wants me to have magnesium which is suppose to relax my uterus so I will no longer be contracting and also wants to me have two steroid shots. I got one steroid shot around 515am but my uterus did not relax, so needless to say delivery was NOT delayed 48 hours. I could not get comfortable for anything, so I knew something was up. I could always lay on my left side and go to sleep, well not this time and my back was killing me. Dr. T came in around 7am checked me and I was still around a 1 but contractions were apparently coming on faster, but I did not feel anything like what I thought was a contraction. Again my back was the only thing that was hurting. So we just hang out and chill until around 9am.....